Monday 10 December 2012

Life is not all beer and skittles!!

In case you think we don't have the pressure of the daily grind?? I got my first puncture on my bike!!
Of course it was my fault.  I am told I ride too close to the edge of the road where there may be sharp objects including glass. It's actually a survival thing but ....?

We did not have a puncture repair kit or even a pump; obviously taking the positive view that a puncture was completely out of the question.

A very nice lady saw our predicament and miraculously produced a pump which enabled us to get back to the RV park. Trevor found a hardware store and set about fixing the puncture. And we are now the proud owners of a bike pump and repair kit.

I can't promise that I wont ride close to the edge of the road though ...

Then there is the continuing shower issue. Trevor believes I approach the bathrooms at  RV parks with a negative attitude and I probably do a bit. I just really enjoy the shower in our RV.
The bathrooms were great at the Sunset Isle RV park; they  had murals painted on the walls - scenes of trees and flowers and birds - very colourful.
On our first morning there Trevor went off to shower and reported back that No1 shower was the one he used - great! When I got there it was occupied so I went to No2 shower. I placed my things (carefully), got undressed and turned on the hot tap - no hot water.  So I got dressed, collected up my things and went to No3 shower. This time the taps threw me a bit - they were sort of handles - which was hot and which cold? which way do they turn? Same routine. I was all set and ... no hot water.
So I pack up again, get dressed and found that No 1 shower was vacant so I took that one.  Wonderful shower and plenty of hot water. I get out of the shower and find I have left my towel in No 3 shower which is now occupied!  Coffee please!

So just a few of the trials we have to cope with!

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