Tuesday 30 October 2012

New York ... the calm before the storm.

I must repeat the proviso that this Post is backdated.  We spent the weekend of 12-14 October in New York.  The weather was glorious. There was no hint of the devastation to come in the areas that Trevor and I visited 2 weeks ago.

The RV park in Jersey City is also an active marina and yacht club. It was very busy with lots of RV's. Thankfully we had booked ahead.  We would not have wanted to run the gauntlet of interstates, highways, traffic and tolls! only to find that we couldn't get in.
On Friday after setting up, we walked to the river front and there before us was Lower Manhatten just across the Hudson river. It was a lovely evening. We explored the Ferry docks and the subway stations to get a feel for our travel tomorrow into the city. We found a bar and stopped in for a drink. It was very nice to be amongst a lot of people again!!  We feel safe walking back through the streets to the RV park.

Saturday morning was cold - about 5 degrees.  I didn't sleep well.  I cut my finger yesterday and it throbbed all night!  Wuss! We set off for the city at about 9am taking the PATH subway under the Hudson river to the World Trade Center. The area is so changed since I was here in 2003.  Lots of building going on. We get passes (free) for the 9/11 Memorial; queue for some time; security checks and then we are onto the Memorial proper. It is quite something! The words that come to mind are 'solemn', 'dignified', 'moving' and 'peaceful'. The memorial is defined by 2 enormous reflecting pools that sit in the footprints of the Twin Towers, a grove of trees and the names of nearly 3000 people inscribed in bronze. The Memorial is a national tribute of honor and remembrance to the victims of the terror attacks of February 26, 1993 and September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center site, near Shanksville PA and at the Pentagon. There are 2 rising towers - 1 World Trade Center and 4 World Trade Center.

We spent more than 2 hours walking around.  We talked for some time with a security guard who was there on 9/11.  It was very moving to hear what he had to say.

We then took the subway uptown to 125th Street. Harlem. We had come too far so back on the subway to 110th Street - the top of Central Park. We walked all the way down to 59th Street, the entire length of Central Park. It was a beautiful afternoon and the park (843 acres) was green and leafy and so spacious. We continued walking down town. Bought a hotdog from a street vendor.  It was delicious!

We had dinner at a lovely restaurant - Edwards Steak House - on Marin Boulevard, Jersey City on our way home.  We are both a bit tired!!

Next morning we were up early and off again; today we are going to explore a little more of mid Manhatten. We visit Grand Central Station and then have coffee.  We join thousands of New Yorkers who  lined Fifth Avenue to watch the 47th annual Hispanic Day parade. 10,000 took part in the parade which trailed from 44th Street to 67th Street and featured floats, bands and musical groups that celebrated Latin America, Spanish and Latino culture. Flags from dozens of different countries lined Fifth Avenue showing New York as a true melting pot. It was a beautifully warm day.
A late lunch on  The Avenue Of The Americas. We walked to Times Square and mingled with so many people - you just have to wonder where they all come from.  I explored Macy's briefly while Trevor sat in a park watching the world go by!

Grand Central Station
The Chrysler Building
The Empire State Building

Times Square
Opening of Parade

But then ... the wheels fell off!!  I had my wallet stolen!!  It was pickpocketed out of my handbag probably when we were in Times Square as I had  it at lunchtime when I paid for lunch. Yes I had one Visa card, my Drivers Licence and other cards.  Fortunately we were able to stop the Visa immediately we discovered the loss and no transactions had been made on it. I had some cash but not a lot.  It could have been worse. But it was a buggar of a way to end such a great weekend.

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