Saturday 31 August 2013

'Big Sky' Montana

How does a State line effect a change in the skyline? No - don't answer - clearly it doesn't; but in my view from the moment we cross into Montana, the sky really does seem bigger!! You can see for miles and miles in any direction. Trevor doesn't agree.

The 'Big Sky' nickname was made popular by a Montana State Highway Department in the 1960's and refers to the unobstructed skyline in the state that seems to overwhelm the landscape. Truly!!

One last photo ...!
We leave Hill City, South Dakota on 8 August. We try to catch up with everyone, do laundry and lawn mowing and in the late afternoon we end up at Three Forks with all the regular 'suspects'!
We have had a wonderful time once again! A great big 'thank you' to you all.

As we make our way north, we run into bikes ... they are everywhere!! This is Sturgis week after all.

The sight, and sound, of so many Harleys is amazing!!

We have about 270 miles to go today - to North Dakota. Once we leave Spearfish we are into open prairie - the highway stretches out in front of us - trucks replace bikes.

The next day we cross into Montana and the 'big sky' thing happens ... for me!
Our plan is to head for Glacier National Park in the northwest of the state but there is a lot of country to cross first.

We are exploring Montana for the first time - (although not entirely correct as we came across the state line a few weeks ago when we visited the Little Bighorn National Monument.)

We call into a Visitors Centre at Wibaux MT, popn about 700! We receive tons of advice and information, not to mention maps and brochures. A highlight is to find good coffee in such a small place -with iced biscotti!!
We prefer to drive on principal roads, not interstates, so we start our exploring in the northeast of the state.

We pass mile after mile of wheatfields; some have been harvested; also mile upon mile of freight cars waiting for grain.

As we head north the land changes. We are into badland country similar to that  in North and South Dakota. There are very few cars; long stretches of highway without seeing another car.

Simple grandeur is in abundance! The earth and sky melt into each other with endless horizons. Grand vistas are mixed with sandstone formations, barren and dry.

Island mountain ranges, buttes, river breaks, badlands and  largely untouched plains all make up this big, big  'place'.

We feel insignificant as we make our way along Hwy 24.

The dam at Fort Peck Lake

And then we find the Missouri River - again!

The centrepiece of northeast Montana is undeniably the Missouri River. It was the route of western expansion and became Montana's connection to the rest of the country.

We cross the Fort Peck Dam, the highest of six major dams along the Missouri River. The dam creates Fort Peck Lake the fifth largest man-made lake in the US, more than 130 miles long, 200 ft deep and with a 1,520 mile shoreline.

Even the dandelions are enormous!

We stop in Glasgow ... yep .. named after Glasgow, Scotland.

The guy in the site next to ours - who lives and works in Glasgow - says it is an 'outpost'!  He is being critical of the lack of funding for roads and infrastructure in the northeast, but after travelling across such vast open spaces I think his description is most apt!

Glasgow is only about 50 miles from the Canadian border.

The sunset is beautiful - as seen from the RV!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

We return to Las Vegas

We so enjoy having Todd with us in the Black Hills. Unlike Mace - who was happy to sleep on the floor in the RV - Todd has his own bedroom in Ron's house at the Lake. He sleeps in a few mornings but also goes for a run several mornings. He runs the same route that I walk each morning. I want to tell him that since we left Sheridan Lake, young Trevor has seen a good sized mountain lion on exactly the same road we both walked and ran!
Todd's flight!

Todd joins us for breakfast  - later! We do something different each day; thanks to Ron we have the use of his truck.

On Friday 2 August the three of us fly to Las Vegas. Because Todd will fly on to San Francisco after  Las Vegas I have booked him on United. Trevor and I have a return flight and hotel package with Allegiant. We will return to South Dakota. We are all staying at New York, New York hotel.

Todd's flight leaves an hour before ours. Our flight is delayed by 4 hours!! We arrive in Las Vegas about 2.30am; at our hotel at about 3.15am!! Todd has gone to bed. We let him sleep!!
We all catch up at breakfast the next morning.

Bellagio Hotel
Las Vegas is very hot - 106F each day! We rent a car and drive out to the Hoover Dam and Memorial Bridge.
We visit the Outlet Malls so that Todd can do some shopping.
We spend an evening on Fremont Street in Old Las Vegas to see the light show.
Then we are all leaving Las Vegas and going our separate ways!

We have done most of the things we did with Kim, Mace and Finlay when they visited Las Vegas with us in April. I think Trevor and I have probably done Las Vegas!

Todd's flight to San Francisco is a short one. Our flight leaves on time - thank goodness. I think we all get to where we want to be about the same time in the evening on Monday 5 August.

We stop in at Three Forks Tavern on our way back to the lake. We think of Todd finding his way around the BART (public transport) to Fisherman's Wharf where he is staying for 3 more days to watch some of the Louis Vuitton Cup sailing.

We hear from Todd. He has a great time in San Francisco; he watches 3 days of sailing; catches up with some friends; probably stays up late?? Anyway he returns to Melbourne safe and sound. Charli's boots are too small so we are on a hunt for a larger size.

Todd's visit

Todd arrives in the Black Hills on 25 July. His flight is early, but his luggage is still in Denver and will arrive later in the evening. We collect it the next day.

I think he is manic!!!
It is so good to see him! He is very tired but manages to keep us up into the early hours of the morning!! I think there will be a few late nights to come!

And we have a great week! Ron takes some time off work; we go sightseeing - this time through Todd's eyes. Crazy Horse and Mt Rushmore of course.
Crazy Horse Memorial, which depicts Crazy Horse, an Oglala Lakota warrior riding a horse and pointing into the distance, honours all American Indians. It will be the world's largest mountain carving - 563 ft high and 641 ft long - when, and if, finished. It has been in progress since 1948 and is far from completion!

Crazy Horse

I have referred to Mt Rushmore in a much earlier post. It still takes my breath away!!

More than 3 million people visit Mt Rushmore each year.

We spend some time gazing at the National Memorial - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln representing the first 130 years of the history of the US.

Todd meets Sic Vic, a guy who customises Harley Davidson motor cycles. Sic Vic lends Todd a Harley to ride to Sturgis, the location of one of the largest annual motorcycle events in the world, held each year on the first full week in August.

We were in the Black Hills last year during the week of the Sturgis rally. Todd is here during the week prior to the rally but you would think the rally has started already by the number of bikes in the Hills.
In 2000 the Sturgis Rally had the largest attendance of more than 600,000 people.

Trevor and I follow Ron and Todd as they ride to Sturgis,  a round trip of approximately 110 miles. Todd is riding a customised Harley Davidson Chopper - no helmets!! He said after, that if he was going to ride a Harley in the Black Hills then it needed to be something like the Chopper; he also said it was about the most uncomfortable ride he has had!

Todd and Ron are caught in rain just before they arrive back in Hill City.

All that aside I think the ride is a highlight for him???

It is also a bit hairy for the mum following behind!

We have lunch in Sturgis. The best time to be in Sturgis is the week prior to the Rally. You can still move around!

Ron's birthday is on Tuesday. A party evolves at the Lake. Wonderful food! We have a fish fry. Stevie has caught a bunch of fish in the lake. Ken has control of the fish fryer.
The result is a taste sensation!!
Home made blueberry pie for dessert.

Todd decorates the shelter with balloons and streamers. I must remember those balloons that light up - they look great!

We have another wonderful evening with Rod and Marion the next night. So many thank you's!! Such wonderful hospitality!

On Todd's last evening in the Black Hills we have dinner on Ron's deck overlooking Sheridan Lake. It is such a nice evening. We go on to a Brule' concert. We saw Brule' playing when we were in Colorado Springs - a multi award winning Native American group based in South Dakota. It is a great show and includes traditional dancers who represent several tribes.

We finish up the evening at Three Forks tavern - another late night!!

We are flying to Las Vegas with Todd tomorrow.

It's great to be back!!

It is great to be back in the Black Hills. We are given such a warm welcome by our friends and those we met last year when we were here. Most of them are back. Bob and Carol - where are you?

It doesn't take long to settle in. Sheridan Lake looks wonderful in the height of summer. We spend some time on the lake; climb into the hills behind the lake to catch wonderful views; become regulars at a Coffee Cabin - Annie Lode; enjoy great company at a bar at Three Forks - thanks Gerry and Darrell.

Our days fall into a familiar (and lazy ) pattern. I walk while Trevor catches up with Ron and Mason on Mason's deck for coffee. I do some  laundry; Trevor takes on the ride-on lawn mower.
Some days we drive into Hill City - thanks to Ron for the use of the truck(s) - and catch up with emails at Ron's office.

Hill City is a neat town with such a personality. Of course it is all about to change with the onslought of motorbikes which will be Sturgis.

Back at the Lake a deck is being constructed around a newly created pond. There are several working bees! Could there be too many 'cooks'?

 Thankfully Mason is supervising!!

We take a drive into the hills in John's jeep.

The view from the top is breathtaking! We can see Sheridan Lake and beyond.

The drive is scary! Switchbacks and tight corners! I thought the worst part of the ride was going up, but ... no!! It is far worse coming down, as you can see where you are about to go ...

I opt to walk a short way down, over the steepest part - or so I thought. Ron is taking the photos as we descend.

Ed and Eleanor do the climb on an ATV.  I think they have done it before!!

Trevor and John look fairly relaxed in the photo.

Take a look at Trevor's hands on the way down. How relaxed is he now?  I am also holding on tightly!!

You can see from these photos that we are in a beautiful part of the country. My morning walk takes me through the forest; I see deer, squirrels and chipmunks; I rarely see any other person - I must be the luckiest person in the world!

The weather in July is somewhat unsettled. Thunderstorms most afternoons; sometimes we get rain and, on occasion, hail. But the mornings are gorgeous and the weather is mild.
We have a campfire most evenings - the best place to enjoy a glass of wine!

Our bird feeder is checked out.
We have wildlife at our back door.

This rabbit climbed the woodpile outside our window to get to the peanuts Trevor left out for the chipmunk.

I see a snake in the woodpile - give it a wide berth after that.

A beaver calls the pond 'home.' It has cut down a large aspen; the rangers are called in to relocate it. It is enormous!!

We spend a weekend at Lake Oahe, the reservoir created by the Oahe Dam on the Missouri River. We are invited to Rod and Marion's cabin on the west side of Lake Oahe, near Pierre, the capital of South Dakota.
(I have referred to Pierre in some of my first posts.)

It's a great weekend. The weather is amazing; the company a lot of fun!
Rod and Marion's friends Dan and Lisa come down with their boat. We are on the water each day.

Hope swimming is like riding a bike!!

Jake loves the boat! Even better is when Dan lets him have a swim! There's a bit of fun when he gets back on board though as we all get wet.
The lake is enormous - 231 miles long, it begins in central South Dakota and continues into North Dakota. It has a shore length of  2,250 miles.
They say that the fishing on the lake is second to none. I know that Rod can attest to that. But this weekend was purely recreational!!

On Sunday we take the boat down river from the Dam. It is so relaxing ...

We eat heartily thanks to Trisha, Rod and Marion's daughter. And of course we also enjoy a few drinks.

Rod has us in fits when he prepares to
barbecue!  Some times it is best to let the pictures tell the tale!!

Away from the lake, rolling plains are covered in wheat fields. A lot of harvesting equipment looks ready to go.

The Missouri River is the longest river in North America. It rises in the Rocky Mountains of western Montana and flows east and south for 2,341 miles before entering the Mississippi River north of St. Louis, Missouri. When combined with the lower Mississippi River, it forms the world's third longest river system.

The Missouri River, which bisects South Dakota from north to south, holds such history. In September 1804, the Lewis and Clark Expedition - the first to cross the western portion of the US - passed through what is now Lake Oahe while exploring the river.

Possibly not a bale of grass!
Back at Sheridan Lake we are looking forward to Todd's visit. He will have a long haul as he is flying from Melbourne to San Francisco - via Los Angeles - and then directly on to Rapid City, South Dakota via Denver.

We do some housework; Trevor mows the lawns; we shop ....