Incorporated in 1824, Perry took its name from Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry for his triumph at Lake Erie in the War of 1812.
We took the bikes off and settled in. We arranged for Ron to send our mail out to us. We did all sorts of housekeeping things which we had been promising to do; we biked around town each day; we rode into the Fairgrounds and Agricentre one afternoon which is a very comprehensive affair. We found one coffee place!
The days were lovely and sunny; quite warm too. The nights were cold at first. Then as the day time temperature fell a bit the nights seemed to warm up?? We weren't able to get a rental car for the weekend - they were all taken. It didn't really matter as we were mobile with the bikes.
Monday 12 November was Veterans Day. In the US, Veterans Day is usually observed on the 11th of November. If it falls on a Saturday or Sunday then the following Friday or Monday respectively is designated for holiday leave. Veterans Day coincides with other countries marking Armistice Day or Remembrance Day which commemorates the armistice between the allied nations and Germany, effectively ending World War 1.
Trevor read that the marking of Veterans Day was to take place in Perry at 11am. at The Perry Art Centre.
We left Perry on Wednesday - yesterday. Our mail arrived on Tuesday. I received a replacement Visa card. We were good to go!
We had a short driving day - decided to make the drive to Savannah in 2 hops. Trevor is getting a cold; he says he has a tickly throat and has started to cough!!
We stayed last night at the Beaver Run RV Park at Metter. The weather had become quite cold, not getting above the mid 50's all day. Last night it rained.
Here are a couple of photos Trevor took yesterday of a cotton field and some of the cotton he 'pinched' off a cotton bush. It is beautifully soft and very white.
A bale of cotton. |
So now I am up to date!!!! It is Thursday 15 November about 10pm. Trevor has gone to bed with the hottie and a heat pack; he has had a honey and lemon drink. Fingers crossed!
Today we bought a small crockpot and had a lovely meal tonight - slow braised beef and vegies - real comfort food.
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