Sunday 11 November 2012

The road to Nashville

As anticipated we were up with the alarm. We left  Clabough's Campground at 7am. 2 degrees overnight. It is still dark. It hasn't snowed. The roads are quite dry with little or no wind. The traffic is also light.
We are so organised! No showers; no breakfast just a tea and coffee. Trevor closed up water and septic last night. We have to be in Knoxville at 8am.
Well we arrived at the RV service centre on time.  And we got a clean bill of health!
We left at 11am looking for breakfast!
We found a Starbucks in a Target store and also bought a bacon, egg and cheese croissant - amazingly good??

We then drove all around the houses looking for the entrance to a Walmart.  A new, larger umbrella for Trevor ... and a new toy, an inside/outside temperature gauge.

At 1.30pm we were off on I-40 west. The wind is getting up. We are winding around hills and wind gusts rock the RV a bit, the higher we get. We stop at Crossville at the Bean Pot Campground for the night.  It is windy and cold.
We get set up and then hunker down for the night. I start to prepare a meal. Then we realise we have crossed a time line.We are now on Central Standard Time. It is not 4.30 but 3.30pm. Oh well ...

Although the day started off very cold and didn't improve much, the roadside are still colourful.
Some of that colour is on the ground; some of the trees are rather bare.

At Crossville we are camped on a ridge; the wind whistles around and the trees are losing their leaves quite rapidly.

Hurricane Sandy is wreaking havoc further north.

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